Genre:Modern Fairy Tale
Pate & Fabian: Krystal’s friend’s
Loni & Kereama/Lost Property Monitor
Crystal: Main character - Schoolgirl
Whole Group:Editing
Whole Group:Wearing Chucks
At the end of the day Krystal found her missing shoe.... Our message to you is... “Look after your stuff and take responsibility of your belongings, or pay the price....”
Scene 1:
Its Crystal’s birthday she gets a present from her mum, she opens it and it and she gets a brand new pair of shoes.
-Crystal is...
- happy
- Excited
The same day she wears them to school but, her mother makes her promise to take good care of them.
Scene 2:
She is coming up the school hallway in school and everyone comments on her new shoes.
Crystal feels special
Scene 3:
Bell rings at lunch Crystal runs onto field, takes of her shoes and plays, does not take care of them. Too excited about playing.
Scene 4:
Bell rings, Crystal starts looking for her shoes. Finds one but not the other. Runs to class and is worried.
Scene 5:
In the library or class, starts to talk to herself, wishing she had taken responsibility for her personal belongings.
Krystal: “Thank-you very much!” Can I wear them to school?
Mum: Well, yes but.. You better look after them.
Krystal:Yes mum I promise.
Krystal walks outside says goodbye to mum and meets Fabian. They make their way to school.
Fabian: wow i love your shoes !
Krystal: Thanks (:
Krystal & Fabian: (Have a conversation. On the way to school they see Pate and all walk down to school together.)
Fabian: “Pate!”
Pate Turns around surprisingly.
Krystal: Sup Pate
Fabian: Walk with us to school
Pate: Okay lets go !
They all walk to school together....
When they arrive at school and make their way upstairs, everyone starts to complement on Krystals shoes.)``
Krystal feels:Happy, Excited,Special.
In class hard working, learning and then the bell rings. They make their way outside for break.
Fabian: “Krystal, Want to play rugby with the boys”.
Krysta: “Yo, Keen for that”.
Fabian: “Come lets go”.
Pate comes running out of class rushing to them.Pate: “Wait up.”
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