Te Whare Tapa Wha?
What is te whare tapa wha?
- Dr mason durie built the four walls of health.
- Taha tinana, Taha wairua, Taha whanau and taha hinengaro.
- The Maori philosophy toward health is based on a holistic health and wellness model called te whare tapa wha.
Te Taha Whanau
Family health
To keep your family and stay together no matter what, care for each other, even if you have family difficulties, even if you and your brothers or sisters fight because if you don’t stay together you will be raised hating each other.
- Your family gives you love, a future and good place to live, encouragement, good food,
- Clothes to wear hugs and kisses and loving brothers and sisters.
Te Taha Tinana
Physical health
Means growth and development as if it relates to your body.
This focuses on the physical side of your body and your well being and body care.
- You will need to look after yourself and your belongings make sure you feel nice and fresh for school in the morning too.
Te Taha Wairua
Spiritual health
Te taha wairua isn,t just your health but also about your spiritual self.
It can envolve things like you religion, Your church, Faith and relationships with god and other.
Te taha wairua is also about your future like your career and the decision you’re going to make to get you there.
This is my Te Whare Tapa Wha
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