Who am I?
- I am not a fish, I am a mammal.
- I have lots of fat called blubber.
- I have a long body and a powerful tail.
- I have an enormous mouth.
- I live in the Ocean.
- I swim in groups called Pods.
- A male is called a Bull.
- A female is called a Cow.
- A baby is called a Calf.
- I migrate to warm water.
- My tail fin is called a flute.
- My ears are inside my head under my skin.
- My flipper helps me to steer.
- My blubber keeps me warm.
- I can hold my breath for up to 1 hour.
- When it is dark I use my hearing to find my way around in dark water.
- There are 40 types of me in the ocean.
- When i jump out of the water it is called breaching, which is a form of play.
I am a Whale!!
Today in literacy we were learning about Whales.
Here are 20 interesting facts I have learnt.
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